Predoc Data Task: Data Manipulation


September 28, 2023

This is my solution to the sample data manipulation task published by

You can find the full task here. This is exercise 2 from data task 1.

The task is to load some health insurance subscription data, manipulate the data to develop a summary of certain variables by county (rather than by insurance plan), and then output that data in a specified format.

Load libraries.


Read Data

medicare <- read_csv("./task/scp-1205.csv", col_names = FALSE)

# `contract` is missing from the list of variables given in the instructions
# it is included with the name `contract` in the sample row
names(medicare) <- c(

Fill Missing Values

medicare_filled_missing <- medicare |>
      c(eligibles, enrollees, penetration),
      ~ replace_na(.x, 0)

Complete Objective

medicare_by_county <- medicare_filled_missing |>
  # Filter territories and District of Columbia
  filter(!state %in% c("PR", "GU", "DC", "VI", "AS")) |>
  # Filter unspecified counties
  filter(!( | state == 99)) |>
  group_by(countyname) |>
    # first() is used where all the counties will have the same value
    state = first(state),
    numberofplans1 = sum(enrollees > 10),
    numberofplans2 = sum(penetration > .5),
    countyssa = first(countyssa),
    eligibles = first(eligibles),
    totalenrollees = sum(enrollees),
    totalpenetration = 100 * totalenrollees / eligibles
  ) |>
  arrange(state, countyname)

Write to CSV

# Commented out for the web writeup.
# write_csv(medicare_by_county, "medicare_output.csv")

# Instead print some of the data.
head(medicare_by_county, 100)